AbstractThe expansion of severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) coronavirus 2 (SARSCoV-2) has now procured on epidemic percentages, affecting more than 190 nations in a matter of weeks. A widespread SARSCoV-2 contagion begun in Wuhan, Hubei Province, China, and circulate through China and beyond in December 2019. The containment events in China have lessened new instances by more than 90%, but this diminution is not the case to a different place. European countries like Italy and Spain have been the most affected. In Asia, the COVID-19 brings a catastrophe where after China mainland, countries like Iran and South Korea have been affected. There is now severe apprehension concerning the Asian health care system’s ability to effectually counter to the necessities of patients who are infected and need rigorous precaution for COVID-19. The patient’s ratio in special care reported in Iran has perpetually been between 6 and 8% who are rapidly infected. As about South Korea, the ratio is 3% and 4% who are rapidly infected. This analysis emphasizes the epidemiology of COVID-19, its effects in the Asia continent, and active case study of COVID-19 including the distinct countries.
Springer Science and Business Media LLC
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