Earthquake, volcanic eruption, flood, and CBRNE: How can we prepare for disasters?


Yamakawa TomoyukiORCID


AbstractIt has long been known that dialysis treatment is susceptible to disasters. In fact, the Great Hanshin earthquake in 1995 and the Great East Japan Earthquake Disaster in 2011 severely affected dialysis treatment; however, in the previous disasters, dialysis treatment has been continued through cooperation among dialysis facilities. In addition to earthquakes, tsunamis, and floods, unprecedented disasters such as volcanic eruptions and CBRNE are expected in Japan, necessitating preparation for dialysis treatment. It is well known that power outages are easier to fix after an earthquake than water outages. Therefore, it is important to be prepared for water outages to continue dialysis treatment. If a disaster restricts access to dialysis treatment, dialysis patients must be transferred to a facility where treatment is available. In addition, when dialysis facilities experience a water outage or power outage, the assistance of the local government may be required. Therefore, in the event of a disaster, it is important to share information about the damage among dialysis facilities and between the facilities and the government. The Japanese Association of Dialysis Physicians (JADP) has promoted information sharing among dialysis facilities and with governments, including the establishment of the Disaster Information Network in 2000. Furthermore, JADP chapters are established in each prefecture, and regional organizations such as JADP chapters work with local governments to build local disaster preparedness. The Japan Hemodialysis Assistance Team was established in 2015 and is tasked with disseminating information from the afflicted area during the acute phase of a disaster as well as providing human and material support during the subacute phase of a disaster. Preparation during normal times is imperative as various forms of disasters are expected to occur in the future.


Springer Science and Business Media LLC



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