Investigating the feasibility and acceptability of using Instagram to engage post-graduate students in a mass communication social media-based health intervention, #WeeStepsToHealth


O’Kane NiamhORCID,McKinley Michelle C.,Gough Aisling,Hunter Ruth F.


Abstract Background Instagram’s popularity among young adults continues to rise, and previous work has identified diffusion of unhealthy messages and misinformation throughout the platform. However, we know little about how to use Instagram to promote health messages. This study aims to assess the feasibility and acceptability of using Instagram to engage post-graduate students in a mass communication social media (SM)-based health intervention. Methods A 4-week intervention targeting post-graduate students with physical activity (PA), nutrition, and general wellbeing messages was conducted via Instagram. Feasibility and acceptability were assessed using SM metrics (likes, comments, and shares), pre- and post-intervention online surveys (knowledge, attitude, and behavioural outcomes), and a focus group conducted with a sample of individuals in the target population (to assess intervention recall, feedback on message framing, and acceptability of Instagram). Results The two independent samples captured by online surveys (pre-intervention, n = 43, post-intervention, n = 41, representing 12.3% and 11.7% of Instagram followers, respectively) were predominantly female (88.4%, 80.5%) aged 18–34 (95.4%, 95.1%). Respondents in the second survey reported higher weekly PA levels (+ 13.7%) and more frequent nutritional behaviours including consumption of five or more fruits and vegetables (+ 23.3%) and looking at nutritional labels (+ 10.3%). However, respondents in the second survey also reported less frequent meal preparation (− 18.0%) and a small increase in fast food consumption (+ 2.8% consuming fast food 3–4 days a week). A total of 247 ‘likes’ were collected from 28 Instagram posts (mean 8.8 likes per post). Humorous posts achieved a moderately higher level of engagement than non-humorous posts (median 10 and 8 likes, respectively). Focus group participants liked the campaign content and trusted the information source. Conclusions Findings indicate that Instagram could be a feasible and acceptable platform for engaging post-graduate students in a SM-based mass communication health intervention, and that humour may have the potential to encourage further engagement.


Springer Science and Business Media LLC


Medicine (miscellaneous)

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