Wallace’s line structures seagrass microbiota and is a potential barrier to the dispersal of marine bacteria


Wainwright Benjamin J.,Leon Josh,Vilela Ernie,Hickman K. J. E.,Caldwell Jensen,Aimone Behlee,Bischoff Porter,Ohran Marissa,Morelli Magnolia W.,Arlyza Irma S.,Marwayana Onny N.,Zahn Geoffrey


Abstract Background The processes that shape microbial biogeography are not well understood, and concepts that apply to macroorganisms, like dispersal barriers, may not affect microorganisms in the same predictable ways. To better understand how known macro-scale biogeographic processes can be applied at micro-scales, we examined seagrass associated microbiota on either side of Wallace’s line to determine the influence of this cryptic dispersal boundary on the community structure of microorganisms. Communities were examined from twelve locations throughout Indonesia on either side of this theoretical line. Results We found significant differences in microbial community structure on either side of this boundary (R2 = 0.09; P = 0.001), and identified seven microbial genera as differentially abundant on either side of the line, six of these were more abundant in the West, with the other more strongly associated with the East. Genera found to be differentially abundant had significantly smaller minimum cell dimensions (GLM: t923 = 59.50, P < 0.001) than the overall community. Conclusion Despite the assumed excellent dispersal ability of microbes, we were able to detect significant differences in community structure on either side of this cryptic biogeographic boundary. Samples from the two closest islands on opposite sides of the line, Bali and Komodo, were more different from each other than either was to its most distant island on the same side. We suggest that limited dispersal across this barrier coupled with habitat differences are primarily responsible for the patterns observed. The cryptic processes that drive macroorganism community divergence across this region may also play a role in the bigeographic patterns of microbiota.


Springer Science and Business Media LLC








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