Time scheduling of magnetic surveys in mid-latitudes with respect to forecasting geomagnetic activity


Hejda Pavel,Bochníček Josef,Horáček Josef,Nejedlá Jaroslava


Abstract The quality of magnetic surveys is essentially influenced by the geomagnetic activity. As the in situ measurements are usually limited to very short time period, they must be compared with observatory continuous registrations. When reducing measurements one makes an assumption that diurnal variations of the magnetic field are identical at both the station and the reference observatory. During magnetically quite periods, this assumption is satisfied to an acceptable extent. However, under high geomagnetic activity, the error may easily exceed the acceptable limit. Our analysis indicates that, in mid-latitudes, magnetic surveys should not be made, if some of the Kp values are over 5. Long-term and medium-term forecasts of geomagnetic activity are based on known periodicities (11-year, half-year and 27-day). Short-term forecasts are based on the knowledge of the actual conditions on the Sun, in the solar wind and in the interplanetary magnetic field. Regional Warning Centres, associated in the International Space Environment Service (ISES) deal with forecasts of geomagnetic activity. Links to all 12 centres can be obtained through http://www.ises-spaceweather.org/about_ises/index.html.


Springer Science and Business Media LLC


Space and Planetary Science,Geology








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