Near-miss hypoglycemia—reflections on perioperative glucose management guidelines in diabetics


Ahmad Rabeel,Naftalovich RotemORCID,Tewfik George,Eloy Jean Daniel,Rodriguez-Correa Daniel T.


Abstract Background The American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) has an impressive array of professional perioperative guidelines but has not issued a guideline specific to perioperative blood glucose management and does not delve into the topic in their other guidelines. Case report We experienced a perioperative case that highlights the potential difficulty of glucose management in this setting. During anesthetic induction for an orthopedic foot surgery, as the medication was infusing, an IDDM 1 (insulin dependent diabetes mellitus type 1) patient expressed feeling that her blood sugar level was low. Her finger stick after induction showed severe hypoglycemia with a blood glucose of 34 mg/dL. The hypoglycemia was treated with intravenous glucose and further closely monitored. Conclusions This case led us to revisit the different perioperative guidelines and recommendations for diabetic patients and this manuscript aims to highlight the similarities and discrepancies among the different published recommendations. This case highlights the value of utilizing insulin pump infusions in the perioperative setting when available.


Springer Science and Business Media LLC


Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine

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1. Insulin-glargine/insulin-lispro;Reactions Weekly;2023-07-22







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