Adherence to exercise and fitness following exercise-based outpatient cardiac rehabilitation: a cross-sectional survey for Germany


Tilgner Nina,Nehls Dominik,Lichtmess Celine,Kober Alexandra,Küsel Cinja,Radloff Lisa,Gabrys Lars


Abstract Background Exercise-based cardiac rehabilitation is safe and effective, evidence-based and implemented in national and international cardiac rehabilitation guidelines. Recent data show a decrease in cardiovascular mortality, reduced hospital admissions and an overall improvement in quality of life. To maintain positive effects and to prevent further cardiovascular events a major goal of cardiac rehabilitation is to induce a long-term health behaviour change and the integration of regular physical activity and exercise training in everyday life. The aim of this study is to evaluate the adherence of cardiac patients to exercise-based programs following rehabilitation phase III. Methods A nationwide online cross-sectional survey was conducted. All outpatient aftercare providers who offer sports rehabilitation programs (heart groups) for cardiac patients in Germany were contacted. The questionnaire comprised 15 questions in five subcategories (general information regarding the outpatient aftercare provider, structure of rehabilitation sport programs, membership structure, content of heart groups, adherence to exercise-based programs). Results 560 of 2447 outpatient aftercare providers participated in the survey (response rate: 23%). On average, rehabilitation sport facilities hosted 2 (IQR 2) heart groups per week, and 23 patients (IQR 30) (61% males; 31% females) per facility completed rehabilitation sport prescription in 2018. Almost all providers offer follow-up programs on a self-payer basis after rehabilitation sport prescription ends. Adherence to follow-up programs was at 54% (IQR 65; 55% males and 50% females). With 60% (IQR 71), patients with a statutory health insurance (mainly pensioners) adhere slightly more often to a follow-up program compared to privately insured persons (mainly population with a high income or civil servants) with 50% and significantly more often compared to persons who were insured by the German pension fund (covering working population) with only 9% (IQR 89) adherence. Conclusion Almost all outpatient aftercare providers offer follow-up programs for cardiac rehabilitation patients but only half of them actually participate. Younger people (working population) do not adhere sufficiently to sport and exercise programs following rehabilitation phase III. This seems critical to address in terms of achieving long-term rehabilitation goals.


Fachhochschule für Sport und Management Potsdam der Europäischen Sportakademie Land Brandenburg gGmbH


Springer Science and Business Media LLC


Rehabilitation,Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation,Orthopedics and Sports Medicine

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