Occupational safety practice among metal workers in Bangladesh: a community-level study


Islam Farhin,Alam MR,Mamun SM Abdullah AL,Hossain Mohammad Sorowar


Abstract Background The overall information on occupational health and safety (OHS)-related knowledge and workplace practices are scarce in Bangladesh. This study aimed to (i) examine the prevalence of occupational injuries, (ii) explore the level of OHS-related knowledge and practice among workers and associated factors, and (iii) investigate the socioeconomic factors and OHS-related knowledge and practice scores as determinants of injury among metal workers at a community setting in Bangladesh. Methods This was a cross-sectional study conducted on all the functional metal workshops in a community of a town. The sociodemographic characteristics, history of injury and its consequences, and the state of knowledge and practice were measured using descriptive statistics. Univariate and multivariate analyses were used to measure the association between practice scores and sociodemographic factors and knowledge. Logistic regression was conducted to get the odds ratio of getting injured. Results A high annual rate (82.9%) of occupational injuries was documented in a one-year timeframe and the majority (81.1%) of injured workers lost more than three working days (median 20 days). Workers working in workshops with more than three workers were 3.3 times more likely to be injured [AOR = 3.33, 95% CI = 1.16, 9.58] compared to the workers in factories with one to three workers. Most of the workers had the basic knowledge related to OHS but the mean practice score was very low, 1.86 (SD 1.17). Higher education, lower monthly family income, and being an owner significantly led to higher practice scores. Conclusions The OHS-related knowledge was not properly translated into good workplace practices in small informal metal workshops because of the absence of implementation of OHS policies and monitoring by the relevant authority. Government should support the informal metal working sector to increase awareness and skills for the prevention and proper management of injuries and risks, and to ensure access to safety equipment and a safe environment.


Springer Science and Business Media LLC


Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health,Safety Research,Toxicology

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