Patient satisfaction is a fundamental aspect of perceived health care quality. The original English version of the Patient Satisfaction with Cancer-related Care (PSCC) is a psychometrically validated, one-dimensional instrument with relevance to cancer-related care. The goal of the study was to perform a psychometric validation of the PSCC in German (PSCC-G).
A sample of 394 cancer patients were recruited at oncological clinics in Hamburg, Germany. Patients completed the PSCC-G, three subscales of the Patient Satisfaction and Quality in Oncological Care (PASQOC), and one subscale from the German version of the Recherché Evaluative sur la Performance des Réseaux de Santé (RESPERE-60) questionnaire. We conducted exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses (EFA and CFA) to determine the factorial validity, and we calculated Cronbach’s coefficient alpha (α) to test the internal consistency of the PSCC-G. We examined the correlation between the PSCC-G and four subscales measuring additional dimensions of PS with care. We also conducted a multiple linear regression analysis to determine whether sociodemographics, self-perceived health status, and treatment setting predict scores on the PSCC-G.
The EFA (using principal axis) revealed a one-factor solution. The Cronbach’s α was 0.92. The convergent validity showed high correlations between three different subscales measuring patient satisfaction and the PSCC-G. Overall, males, older age patients, and those with a higher self-perceived health status were more satisfied with their cancer care based on their higher scores on the PSCC-G.
The PSCC-G is a reliable and valid instrument that can assess satisfaction with cancer-related care for German-speaking cancer patients.
Springer Science and Business Media LLC