Do in-service training materials for midwifery care providers in sub-Saharan Africa meet international competency standards? A scoping review 2000–2020


Welsh Joanne,Hounkpatin Hashim,Gross Mechthild M.,Hanson Claudia,Moller Ann-Beth


Abstract Background Levels of maternal and neonatal mortality remain high in sub-Saharan Africa, with an estimated 66% of global maternal deaths occurring in this region. Many deaths are linked to poor quality of care, which in turn has been linked to gaps in pre-service training programmes for midwifery care providers. In-service training packages have been developed and implemented across sub-Saharan Africa in an attempt to overcome the shortfalls in pre-service training. This scoping review has aimed to summarize in-service training materials used in sub-Saharan Africa for midwifery care providers between 2000 and 2020 and mapped their content to the International Confederation of Midwives (ICM) Essential Competencies for Midwifery Practice. Methods Searches were conducted for the years 2000–2020 in Cumulative Index of Nursing and Allied Health Literature, PubMed/MEDLINE, Social Science Citation Index, African Index Medicus and Google Scholar. A manual search of reference lists from identified studies and a search of grey literature from international organizations was also performed. Identified in-service training materials that were accessible freely on-line were mapped to the ICM Essential Competencies for midwifery practice. Results The database searches identified 1884 articles after removing duplicates. After applying exclusion criteria, 87 articles were identified for data extraction. During data extraction, a further 66 articles were excluded, leaving 21 articles to be included in the review. From these 21 articles, six different training materials were identified. The grey literature yielded 35 training materials, bringing the total number of in-service training materials that were reviewed to 41. Identified in-service training materials mainly focused on emergency obstetric care in a limited number of sub-Saharan Africa countries. Results also indicate that a significant number of in-service training materials are not readily and/or freely accessible. However, the content of in-service training materials largely met the ICM Essential Competencies, with gaps noted in the aspect of woman-centred care and shared decision making. Conclusion To reduce maternal and newborn morbidity and mortality midwifery care providers should have access to evidence-based in-service training materials that include antenatal care and routine intrapartum care, and places women at the centre of their care as shared decision makers.


University of Gothenburg


Springer Science and Business Media LLC


Education,General Medicine

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