1. Uzhhorod National University
The article reveals some recommendations for the digitalization of teacher training in Ukraine based on the experience of Hungary and the Republic of Poland. To solve the tasks set and achieve the purpose of the article, the method of theoretical analysis was used to highlight the peculiarities of the development of the system of digitalization of education in Ukraine; empirical methods were used to study the works of domestic and foreign scholars on the digitalization of teacher training; and generalization was used to present recommendations for improving the digitalization of teacher training in Ukraine, based on the experience of the Republic of Poland and Hungary. It has been determined that the digitalization of education in Ukraine is proceeding at an active pace. The content of the educational levels of the program «Google Digital Tools for Education» is considered. It is found that a significant indicator of achieving digitalization of the national education system is the introduction and active development of the Unified State Electronic Database on Education, whose main purpose is to provide individuals and legal entities with information in the field of education. It has been established that the Unified State Electronic Database on Education has been modernized to ensure the possibility of admission to higher education institutions in times of war. Furthermore, it has been found that in the context of developing recommendations for Ukraine on the digitalization of teacher training, taking into account the experience of Hungary and Poland, it is advisable to focus on the need for intensive development of the following technologies: artificial intelligence; augmented and virtual reality; robotization; the Internet of Things; media education; blockchain; cloud-based environments; gamification; interdisciplinary, etc. It has been determined that digital competence is an important component of the professionalism of a modern teacher or lecturer, and at the same time, indicators of its effective formation ensure the success of human functioning in modern society. The positive aspects of the gamification environment are highlighted. Useful online services for teachers are presented. Recommendations for the digitalization of teacher training in Ukraine are proposed, taking into account the experience of Hungary and the Republic of Poland.
Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University
General Economics, Econometrics and Finance
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