Safe anesthesia is achieved using objective methods that estimate the patient’s state during different phases of surgery. A patient’s state under anesthesia is characterized by three major aspects, which are linked to the main effects produced by each of the families of anesthetic agents administered: hypnosis, analgesia, and muscular relaxation. While quantification techniques designed to assess muscular relaxation under neuromuscular blocking agents have a relatively long history with a high degree of standardization and understanding (e.g., the train-of-four), the knowledge and techniques used to the depth of hypnosis assessment suffer from a lesser degree in both standardization and interpretation due to brain complexity. The problem of standardization and interpretation in the analgesia and nociception assessment increases since it involves more systems, the central nervous system, and the autonomic nervous system.This helps to explain why there are multiple a priori valid approaches to develop nociception monitoring from different interpretations and physiological bases of noxious stimuli processing. Thus, in this review, the current monitoring technologies clinically available for estimating a patient’s nociception under general anesthesia are described.
The Korean Society of Anesthesiologists
Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine
Cited by
14 articles.