Mobbing Perceptions of Academic Staff




1. Bursa Teknik Üniversitesi


Mobbing is defined as psychological attack to the individuals. In this sense, mobbing behaviour is especially applied to employees in both public and private organizations and generally inferiors are exposed to these kind of attacks by their superiors/supervisors. In addition, mobbing is also a growing problem in educational organizations, especially in universities. In this sense the academicians who are exposed to emotional attacks, cannot proceed in their scholarly activities; because of the fact that mobbing creates a number of physical and psychological problems on them. Furthermore, mobbing behavior not only affects their academic success but also their private life; in the sense that they are affected psychologically and they lose their psychological and mental health, as mentioned. In this frame, the purpose of this study is to reveal the perceptions and attitudes of academic staff in universities towards mobbing. In the scope of the research, academicians that work in foundation universities in the city of Istanbul, Türkiye are defined as the sample. A total of 166 academicians have participated in the research. The gathered data is analyzed via SPSS 22.0 package programme. According to the results, there is statistically significant difference between the socio-demographic (gender, age, marital status, monthly income, academic department, academic experience) characteristics of academicians and their attitudes towards mobbing.


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