1. Space Vehicles Directorate Air Force Research Laboratory Albuquerque NM USA
2. Department of Physics and Astronomy University of New Mexico Albuquerque NM USA
3. Department of Physics and Astronomy University of Western Ontario London ON Canada
AbstractThis paper presents the results of a nearly 2‐year long campaign to detect and analyze meteor persistent trains (PTs)—self‐emitting phenomena which can linger up to an hour after their parent meteor. The modern understanding of PTs has been primarily developed from the Leonid storms at the turn of the century; our goal was to assess the validity of these conclusions using a diverse sample of meteors with a wide range of velocities and magnitudes. To this end, year‐round observations were recorded by the Widefield Persistent Train camera, 2nd edition (WiPT2) and were passed through a pipeline to filter out airplanes and flag potential meteors. These were classified by visual inspection based on the presence and duration of trains. Observed meteors were cross‐referenced with the Global Meteor Network (GMN) database, which independently detects and calculates meteor parameters, enabling statistical analysis of PT‐leaving meteors. There were 4,726 meteors codetected by the GMN, with 636 of these leaving trains. Among these were a large population of slow, dim meteors that left PTs; these slower meteors had a greater train production rate relative to their faster counterparts. Unlike prior research, we did not find a clear magnitude cutoff or a strong association with fast meteor showers. Additionally, we note several interesting trends not previously reported, which include PT eligibility being primarily determined by a meteor's terminal height and an apparent dynamical origin dependence that likely reflects physical meteoroid properties.
National Science Foundation
Air Force Office of Scientific Research
American Geophysical Union (AGU)