The African Regional Greenhouse Gases Budget (2010–2019)


Ernst Yolandi1ORCID,Archibald Sally2,Balzter Heiko34ORCID,Chevallier Frederic5ORCID,Ciais Philippe5ORCID,Fischer Carlos Gonzalez6ORCID,Gaubert Benjamin7ORCID,Higginbottom Thomas8,Higgins Steven9,Lawal Shakirudeen10,Lacroix Fabrice1112,Lauerwald Ronny13ORCID,Lourenco Mauro214ORCID,Martens Carola1516,Mengistu Anteneh G.17,Merbold Lutz18ORCID,Mitchard Edward19ORCID,Moyo Mthokozisi2ORCID,Nguyen Hannah20,O’Sullivan Michael21,Rodríguez‐Veiga Pedro2223ORCID,Rosan Thais24ORCID,Rosentreter Judith25ORCID,Ryan Casey26ORCID,Scheiter Simon15ORCID,Sitch Stephen24ORCID,Stevens Nicola227ORCID,Tagesson Torbern2829,Tian Hanqin30ORCID,Wang Mengjia3132,Woon Joel S.33,Zheng Bo3435ORCID,Zhou Yong3637ORCID,Scholes Robert J.1


1. Global Change Institute University of the Witwatersrand Johannesburg South Africa

2. School of Animal, Plant and Environmental Sciences University of the Witwatersrand Johannesburg South Africa

3. Institute for Environmental Futures School of Geography, Geology and the Environment University of Leicester Space Park Leicester Leicester UK

4. National Centre for Earth Observation University of Leicester Space Park Leicester Leicester UK

5. Laboratoire des Sciences du Climat et de l’Environnement LSCE/IPSL CEA‐CNRS‐UVSQ Université Paris‐Saclay Gif‐sur‐Yvette France

6. Department of Global Development College of Agriculture and Life Sciences Cornell University Ithaca NY USA

7. Atmospheric Chemistry Observations & Modeling Laboratory (ACOM) NSF National Center for Atmospheric Research (NSF NCAR) Boulder CO USA

8. School of GeoSciences University of Edinburgh Edinburgh UK

9. Plant Ecology University of Bayreuth Bayreuth Germany

10. Department of Forestry and Environmental Resources College of Natural Resources North Carolina State University Raleigh NC USA

11. Climate and Environmental Physics University of Bern Bern Switzerland

12. Oeschger Centre for Climate Change Research (OCCR) University of Bern Bern Switzerland

13. INRAE AgroParisTech UMR ECOSYS Université Paris‐Saclay Palaiseau France

14. National Geographic Okavango Wilderness Project Wild Bird Trust Johannesburg South Africa

15. Senckenberg Biodiversity and Climate Research Centre (SBiK‐F) Frankfurt am Main Germany

16. Institute of Physical Geography Goethe University Frankfurt am Main Frankfurt am Main Germany

17. Finnish Meteorological Institute Helsinki Finland

18. Integrative Agroecology Group Strategic Research Division Agroecology and Environment Agroscope Zurich Switzerland

19. School of GeoSciences King's Buildings University of Edinburgh Edinburgh UK

20. Department of Geography King's College London Strand London UK

21. Faculty of Environment, Science and Economy University of Exeter Exeter UK

22. Sylvera Ltd London UK

23. Centre for Landscape and Climate Research School of Geography, Geology and the Environment University of Leicester Leicester UK

24. College of Life and Environmental Sciences University of Exeter Exeter UK

25. Faculty of Science and Engineering Southern Cross University Lismore NSW Australia

26. School of GeoScience University of Edinburgh Edinburgh UK

27. Environmental Change Institute School of Geography and the Environment University of Oxford Oxford UK

28. Department of Physical Geography and Ecosystem Science Lund University Lund Sweden

29. Department of Geosciences and Natural Resource Management University of Copenhagen Copenhagen Denmark

30. Center for Earth System Science and Global Sustainability Schiller Institute for Integrated Science and Society Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences Boston College Chestnut Hill MA USA

31. School of Geoscience and Technology Zhengzhou University Zhengzhou China

32. INRAE UMR1391 ISPA Université de Bordeaux Villenave d'Ornon France

33. School of Environmental Sciences University of Liverpool Liverpool UK

34. Department of Earth System Science Tsinghua University Beijing China

35. State Key Joint Laboratory of Environment Simulation and Pollution Control School of Environment Tsinghua University Beijing China

36. Department of Wildland Resources Utah State University Logan UT USA

37. Ecology Center Utah State University Logan UT USA


AbstractAs part of the REgional Carbon Cycle Assessment and Processes Phase 2 (RECCAP2) project, we developed a comprehensive African Greenhouse gases (GHG) budget covering 2000 to 2019 (RECCAP1 and RECCAP2 time periods), and assessed uncertainties and trends over time. We compared bottom‐up process‐based models, data‐driven remotely sensed products, and national GHG inventories with top‐down atmospheric inversions, accounting also for lateral fluxes. We incorporated emission estimates derived from novel methodologies for termites, herbivores, and fire, which are particularly important in Africa. We further constrained global woody biomass change products with high‐quality regional observations. During the RECCAP2 period, Africa's carbon sink capacity is decreasing, with net ecosystem exchange switching from a small sink of −0.61 ± 0.58 PgC yr−1 in RECCAP1 to a small source in RECCAP2 at 0.16 (−0.52/1.36) PgC yr−1. Net CO2 emissions estimated from bottom‐up approaches were 1.6 (−0.9/5.8) PgCO2 yr−1, net CH4 were 77 (56.4/93.9) TgCH4 yr−1 and net N2O were 2.9 (1.4/4.9) TgN2O yr−1. Top‐down atmospheric inversions showed similar trends. Land Use Change emissions increased, representing one of the largest contributions at 1.7 (0.8/2.7) PgCO2eq yr−1 to the African GHG budget and almost similar to emissions from fossil fuels at 1.74 (1.53/1.96) PgCO2eq yr−1, which also increased from RECCAP1. Additionally, wildfire emissions decreased, while fuelwood burning increased. For most component fluxes, uncertainty is large, highlighting the need for increased efforts to address Africa‐specific data gaps. However, for RECCAP2, we improved our overall understanding of many of the important components of the African GHG budget that will assist to inform climate policy and action.


Swedish National Space Agency


American Geophysical Union (AGU)

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