Evaluation of a New Approach for Entrainment and Detrainment Rate Estimation


Zhu Lei1ORCID,Lu Chunsong1ORCID,Xu Xiaoqi2ORCID,Li Yabin3,Luo Shi4,He Xin1,Gao Sinan5ORCID,Li Junjun1,Chen Yiqi1,Wang Yuan6ORCID,Liu Yangang7ORCID


1. China Meteorological Administration Aerosol‐Cloud and Precipitation Key Laboratory and Collaborative Innovation Center on Forecast and Evaluation of Meteorological Disasters (CIC‐FEMD) Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology Nanjing China

2. Nanjing Joint Institute for Atmospheric Sciences Nanjing China

3. Heilongjiang Provincial Climate Center (Heilongjiang Provincial Climate Change Center) Harbin China

4. College of Aviation Meteorology Civil Aviation Flight University of China Chengdu China

5. Guangzhou Institute of Tropical and Marine Meteorology China Meteorological Administration Guangzhou China

6. Collaborative Innovation Center for Western Ecological Safety Lanzhou University Lanzhou China

7. Environmental and Climate Sciences Department Brookhaven National Laboratory Upton NY USA


AbstractEntrainment and detrainment rates (ε and δ) constitute the most critical free parameters in mass flux schemes commonly employed for cumulus parameterizations. Recently, Zhu et al. (2021) introduced a new approach that utilizes aircraft observations to simultaneously estimate ε and δ for cumulus clouds, overcoming the limitation of other observation‐based approaches that solely yield ε without offering insights into δ. This study aims to comprehensively evaluate the reliability of this new approach. First, evaluation using an Explicit Mixing Parcel Model demonstrates the capability of the new approach to back‐calculate predetermined ε and δ based on the physical properties before and after the entrainment mixing. Second, evaluation using large‐eddy simulations illustrates that the new approach yields consistent ε and δ profiles compared to the traditional approach. Sensitivity tests indicate a weak sensitivity of the estimated δ with the new approach to the entrained air source. A decrease in the proportion of cloudy air in the assumed detrained air leads to a reduction in the estimated δ, while ε remains unaffected. Finally, the most appropriate assumptions for entrained and detrained air are discussed. Estimating ε for cumulus parameterizations involves acquiring ambient air more than 500 m away from the cloud edge as entrained air. Due to implicit mean field approximations in the traditional approach, determining the optimal assumption for detrained air properties proves challenging. This study confirms the reliability of the new approach in estimating ε and δ, providing confidence in its application to extensive observational data and advancement in parameterization.


National Natural Science Foundation of China

National Key Research and Development Program of China

Natural Science Foundation of Sichuan Province

U.S. Department of Energy


American Geophysical Union (AGU)

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