Rapid Restratification Processes Control Mixed Layer Turbulence and Phytoplankton Growth in a Deep Convection Region


Miracca‐Lage Mariana1ORCID,Becherer Johannes12ORCID,Merckelbach Lucas1,Bosse Anthony3ORCID,Testor Pierre4,Carpenter Jeffrey R.1ORCID


1. Institute of Coastal Ocean Dynamics Helmholtz‐Zentrum Hereon Geesthacht Germany

2. Institute of Oceanography Universität Hamburg Hamburg Germany

3. Mediterranean Institute of Oceanography CNRS IRD MIO Aix Marseille University Université de Toulon Marseille France

4. Laboratoire d’Océanographie et de Climatologie (LOCEAN) CNRS IRD MNHN UMR Institut Pierre Simon Laplace (IPSL) Sorbonne Université (Pierre & Marie Curie Campus) Paris France


AbstractThe Gulf of Lion, Northwestern Mediterranean Sea, is one of few oceanic regions where deep convection occurs. We investigate the restratification following a convection event using measurements from an ocean glider equipped with turbulence microstructure sensors. This unique combination of instruments provides a high‐resolution description of the mixed layer with regard to turbulence, stratification and chlorophyll. We observe a rapid restratification process that proceeds over a timescale of days to one week. We find that restratification exerts a leading order control on surface mixed layer turbulence variability, as abrupt changes in turbulence dissipation rates are associated with the formation of near‐surface stratification. The near‐surface formation of stratification occurs through both the diurnal variability in surface buoyancy fluxes and through lateral advective processes. We conclude that daily near‐surface processes that influence stratification control mixed layer turbulence levels, and thus the phytoplankton response in the critical transition period to spring bloom.


Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft


American Geophysical Union (AGU)








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