On the Polar Bias in Ice Core 10Be Data


Adolphi F.123ORCID,Herbst K.4ORCID,Nilsson A.5,Panovska S.6ORCID


1. Alfred Wegener Institute Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research Bremerhaven Germany

2. Department of Geosciences University of Bremen Bremen Germany

3. MARUM—Center for Marine Environmental Sciences Bremen Germany

4. Institut für Experimentelle und Angewandte Physik Christian‐Albrechts‐Universität zu Kiel Kiel Germany

5. Department of Geology—Quaternary Sciences Lund University Lund Sweden

6. GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences Section 2.3 Helmholtz Centre Potsdam Potsdam Germany


AbstractCosmogenic radionuclide records from polar ice cores provide unique insights into past cosmic ray flux variations. They allow reconstructions of past solar activity, space weather, and geomagnetic field changes, and provide insights into past carbon cycle changes. However, all these applications rely on the proportionality of the ice core radionuclide records to the global mean production rate changes. This premise has been long debated from a model and data‐perspective. Here, we address this issue through atmospheric mixing model experiments and comparison to independent data. We find that all mixing scenarios, which do not assume complete tropospheric mixing, result in a polar bias. This bias is more prominent for geomagnetic field changes than solar modulation changes. The most likely scenario, supported by independent geomagnetic field records and marine 10Be during the Laschamps geomagnetic field minimum, results in a dampening of geomagnetic field induced changes by 23%–37% and an enhancement of solar‐induced changes by 7%–8%. During the Holocene, we do not find conclusive evidence for a polar bias. We propose a correction function that allows deconvolving the glacial ice core record in order to restore proportionality to the global mean signal.


Helmholtz Association


Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft


American Geophysical Union (AGU)


Space and Planetary Science,Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous),Atmospheric Science,Geophysics








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