Assessment of knowledge about the doping in the rehabilitation assistance of performance and recreational athletes


Tăbîrță Alisa1,Chihai Victoria1,Cebanu Serghei1,Pogonea Ina1,Timercan Tatiana1,Jucov Artiom2,Ștefaneț Gheorghe3


1. „Nicolae Testemitanu” State University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova

2. Anti-Doping Agency, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova

3. „Atletmed” National Sports Medicine Center, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova


Background: During the activity of performance and recreational athletes can arise critical situations that imply medical rehabilitation treatments. In the process of functional recovery, the applied methods can be sometimes aggressive and intense. The lack of knowledge of forbidden substances may pose a threat for the athlete’s health and performance. It is of utmost importance that the medical personnel that care for athletes take into consideration the risks and effects of doping substances. Methods: A group of 53 physicians - specialists in the field of physical medicine and sports medicine participated in the written study. The investigation was carried out according to the Questionnaire for the evaluation of anti-doping knowledge. By means of 14 categories of simple introductory questions, the questionnaire allowed the collection of data on the doctor's seniority and job, age, gender and general knowledge about substances and methods of interest in sports. The data of the participants in the questionnaires were collected and entered into a Microsoft Excel database and were analyzed in the MEDCALC statistical software program version 12.7.0. The data were analyzed using the SPSS program, version 21. Descriptive analysis was performed using the means and standard deviations of PEAS Instrument variables and mean difference tests were performed on two-response variables along with analysis of variance (ANOVA). Results: The majority of doctors (40/75.48%) do not have information about test procedures for inert substances and almost half of them (25/47.17%) do not know the anti-doping rules and standards developed within World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA). Of the people surveyed all (53/100%) positively noted the effectiveness of anti-doping programs, but 18 (33.96%) of the respondents distinguished exaggerated actions in the mass media regarding the issue of doping and 35 (66.04%) of the respondents did not have accusations against mediating the issue of doping. Of all the people investigated, the majority (49/92.45%) are ready to report on cases of doping in the anti-doping organization or the sports federation. 24 (45.28%) marked agreement in these actions and total agreement - 25 (47.17%) physicians. Conclusion: In the evaluation of the knowledge of specialist doctors involved in the assistance of people who practice performance and recreational sports, a discrepancy in the knowledge about doping was determined. The development of strategies and policies by informing doctors from medical rehabilitation and sports medicine in the field of sports doping will offer athletes access to quality medical services and safe professional activity. Keywords: medical rehabilitation of athletes, doping substances, World Anti-Doping Code


Romanian Association of Balneology







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