Isolation and Biochemical Identification of N2 Fixing Bacteria (Azospirillium Sp.) From Saurashtra Region
Container-title:Current Agriculture Research Journal
Short-container-title:Curr Agri Res Jour
Rabara Sarvangi1ORCID, Vishwakarma Nutan Prakash2ORCID, Patel Shivani3ORCID
1. 1Department of Microbiology, Atmiya University 2. 2Department of Biotechnology, Atmiya University. 3. 3Department of Biotechnology and Microbiology, Atmiya University
Azospirillium species are widely used as Biofertilizer to increase crop yield and are free-living nitrogen-fixing bacteria, one of the best-studied plant growth-promoting Rhizobacteria. It is commonly found along with the roots of many different plant species. The present study included the isolation of Azospirillium species from roots and soils in Rhizospheric regions. 50 isolates were isolated from fields in different districts of Saurashtra region in Gujarat against NFB Medium. Significant isolates were isolated from the root surface and root internal tissues. These 50 were morphologically identified and biochemically characterized isolates included the techniques documented in Bergey's Textbook of Identified Bacteria 9th edition (TSI- Triple Sugar Iron, GPB- Glucose Phosphate Broth, MR- Methyl Red VP- Voges Proskauer, TRP-Tryptophan, PNB- Peptone Nitrate Broth, Carbohydrate) out of which fifteen isolates were biochemically positive and were also capable of producing IAA (Indole Acetic Acid), and were also capable of producing IAA.
Enviro Research Publishers
Pharmacology (medical)
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