This study examines and analyses the effect of Islamic emotional intelligence, work-life balance, and burnout on organizational commitment. In addition, this study also examines and analyzes the role of burnout in mediating the effect of Islamic emotional intelligence and work-life balance on organizational commitment. Respondents in this study were female employees who worked at the Ministry of Religion in Pekanbaru, Riau, with a total of 73 respondents. The sampling technique was carried out by saturated sampling or census with SEM-PLS statistical analysis. The results showed that (i) Islamic emotional intelligence has an effect on organizational commitment, (ii) work-life balance has an effect on organizational commitment, (iii) burnout has an effect on organizational commitment, (iv) Islamic emotional intelligence has an effect on burnout, (v) work-life balance affects burnout, (vi) burnout can mediate the effect of Islamic emotional intelligence on organizational commitment, (vii) burnout can mediate the effect of work-life balance on organizational commitment.
Bussecon International Academy
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