1. J.R. Davis, ed.: ASM Materials Engineering Dictionary, ASM International, Materials Park, OH, 1992.
2. J.J. Asperger: “Legal Definition of Product Failure: What the Law Requires of the Designer and the Manufacturer,” Preventing Failure through Education: Getting to the Root Cause, Conference Proceedings, J. Scutti, ed., ASM International, Materials Park, OH, May 2000, pp. 25–29.
3. “Standard Specification for Steel Bars, Carbon, Merchant Quality, M-Grades,” A 575, ASTM, W. Conshohocken, PA.
4. “Standard Specification for Steel Bars, Carbon, Hot-Wrought, Special Quality,” A 576, ASTM, W. Conshohocken, PA, Section 7.2.