1. E.A. Mizikar: Trans. AIME, 1967, vol. 239, p. 1747.
2. I. Ohnaka and T. Fukusako: Trans. Iron Steel Inst. Jpn., 1977, vol. 17, p. 410.
3. I. Ohnaka: Introduction of Computer Analysis for Heat Transfer and Solidification, Maruzen, Tokyo, 1985, p. 167.
4. R.A. Roberts, R.P. Date, C.R. Loper, and D.R. Poirier: Trans. AFS, 1968, vol. 76, p. 573.
5. C.R. Loper, R.W. Heine, and R.A. Roberts: Trans. AFS, 1969, vol. 76, p. 373.