The implementation of differentiated learning in ELT: Indonesian teachers’ readiness


Sofiana Nina,Andriyani Santi,Shofiyuddin Muh,Mubarok Husni,Candraloka Olyvia Revalita


In responding to the curriculum change in Indonesia to the Merdeka (Freedom) curriculum, the teaching and learning process should emphasize differentiated learning, including English Language Teaching (ELT). Despite the fact the teachers must implement it in their class, little research has examined the teachers’ readiness and its affecting factors in implementing differentiated learning. This study aims to address this gap by exploring teachers’ readiness in applying it and the factors affecting their readiness, by administering questionnaires and interviewing sixty public-school teachers of senior high schools who enrolled in the Subject Teacher Deliberation (STD) of English, in Central Java, Indonesia. The findings indicated that teachers were not ready in implementing content and process differentiation in ELT, but they just needed some improvements. Additionally, teachers had been ready in applying product and learning environment differentiation, but they still need a little enhancement. The factors affecting their readiness included insufficient training opportunities, limited time for planning and designing learning activities, difference of students’ readiness in learning English, and the large number of students in each class. Furthermore, the study recommends that the Indonesian government should provide additional training and workshops for teachers, establish a clear and consistent guideline for differentiated learning, and facilitating collaboration and communication among teachers to share their best practice.


Bilingual Publishing Group







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