An imprinted gene network that controls mammalian somatic growth is down-regulated during postnatal growth deceleration in multiple organs


Lui Julian C.,Finkielstain Gabriela P.,Barnes Kevin M.,Baron Jeffrey


In mammals, somatic growth is rapid in early postnatal life but decelerates with age and eventually halts, thus determining the adult body size of the species. This growth deceleration, which reflects declining proliferation, occurs simultaneously in multiple organs yet appears not to be coordinated by a systemic mechanism. We, therefore, hypothesized that growth deceleration results from a growth-limiting genetic program that is common to multiple tissues. Here, we identified a set of 11 imprinted genes that show down-regulation of mRNA expression with age in multiple organs. For these genes, Igf2, H19, Plagl1, Mest, Peg3, Dlk1, Gtl2, Grb10, Ndn, Cdkn1c, and SLC38a4, the declines show a temporal pattern similar to the decline in growth rate. All 11 genes have been implicated in the control of cell proliferation or somatic growth. Thus, our findings suggest that the declining expression of these genes contributes to coordinate growth deceleration in multiple tissues. We next hypothesized that the coordinate decline in expression of these imprinted genes is caused by altered methylation and consequent silencing of the expressed allele. Contrary to this hypothesis, the methylation status of the promoter regions of Mest, Peg3, and Plagl1 did not change with age. Our findings suggest that a set of growth-regulating imprinted genes is expressed at high levels in multiple tissues in early postnatal life, contributing to rapid somatic growth, but that these genes are subsequently downregulated in multiple tissues simultaneously, contributing to coordinate growth deceleration and cessation, thus imposing a fundamental limit on adult body size.


American Physiological Society


Physiology (medical),Physiology

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