Anion channels transport ATP into the Golgi lumen


Thompson Roger J.,Akana Hillary C. S. R.,Finnigan Claire,Howell Kathryn E.,Caldwell John H.


Anion channels provide a pathway for Clinflux into the lumen of the Golgi cisternae. This influx permits luminal acidification by the organelle's H+-ATPase. Three different experimental approaches, electrophysiological, biochemical, and proteomic, demonstrated that two Golgi anion channels, GOLAC-1 and GOLAC-2, also mediate ATP anion transport into the Golgi lumen. First, GOLAC-1 and -2 were incorporated into planar lipid bilayers, and single-channel recordings were obtained. Low ionic activities of K2ATP added to the cis-chamber directly inhibited the Clsubconductance levels of both channels, with Kmvalues ranging from 16 to 115 μM. Substitution of either K2ATP or MgATP for Clon the cis, trans, or both sides indicated that ATP is conducted by the channels with a relative permeability sequence of Cl> ATP4−> MgATP2−. Single-channel currents were observed at physiological concentrations of Cland ATP, providing evidence for their importance in vivo. Second, transport of [α-32P]ATP into sealed Golgi vesicles that maintain in situ orientation was consistent with movement through the GOLACs because it exhibited little temperature dependence and was saturated with an apparent Km= 25 μM. Finally, after transport of [γ-32P]ATP, a protease-protection assay demonstrated that proteins are phosphorylated within the Golgi lumen, and after SDS-PAGE, the proteins in the phosphorylated bands were identified by mass spectrometry. GOLAC conductances, [α-32P]ATP transport, and protein phosphorylation have identical pharmacological profiles. We conclude that the GOLACs play dual roles in the Golgi complex, providing pathways for Cland ATP influx into the Golgi lumen.


American Physiological Society


Cell Biology,Physiology







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