Evidence for receptor-mediated mineralocorticoid action in rat osteoblastic cells


Agarwal M. K.1,Mirshahi F.1,Mirshahi M.1,Bracq S.1,Chentoufi J.1,Hott M.1,Jullienne A.1,Marie P. J.1


1. Hormone Laboratory, Institut National de la Sante et de la Recherche Medicale Unite 86, Centre Universitaire des Cordeliers, Paris, France.


Aldosterone significantly enhanced the proliferation of osteoblastic cells from rat calvaria, and this effect was inhibited by RU 26752 and ZK 91587, two antagonists specific to the mineralocorticoid receptor (MCR). In addition, aldosterone inhibited the activity of alkaline phosphatase, a marker of the osteoblastic phenotype, and this effect was also reversed by RU 26752. Cytoplasmic staining of MCR was observed in rat calvaria osteoblasts incubated with a specific polyclonal antiserum raised against rat kidney MCR. This anti-MCR immunoglobulin G immunoprecipitated and macroaggregated the MCR-[3H]RU 26752 complex in osteoblastic cytosol. A single 98-kDa band was observed when osteoblastic cytosol was analyzed by Western blotting with anti-MCR serum. The 98-kDa band was also obtained after autoradiography of irradiated osteoblastic cytosol-[3H]R 5020 complex, and this was abolished in the presence of RU 26752. A p26MR probe, specific to COOH-terminal end of MCR, hybridized with the predicted product after amplification of total cell RNA by polymerase chain reaction technique. Furthermore, hybridization of poly(A)+ mRNA from at calvaria osteoblastic cells with the p26MR probe revealed a major band of approximately 4.2 kb. Collectively, our studies demonstrate the existence of a functional MCR in rat calvaria osteoblasts.


American Physiological Society


Cell Biology,Physiology








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