Structural prerequisites for the hypotensive action of parathyroid hormone


Ellison D. H.,McCarron D. A.


We assessed the vascular, phosphaturic, and calcemic responses to several synthetic parathyroid hormone (PTH) analogues. Bovine (b) PTH (1-34), human (h) PTH (1-34), hPTH (53-84), [ Nle8 , Nle18 , Tyr34 ]bPTH (1-34), and [ Nle8 , Nle18 , Tyr34 ]bPTH (3-34) were administered in doses between 1 and 500 micrograms/kg as bolus intravenous injections to male Wistar-Kyoto rats aged 18-26 wk. Antagonism of the action of PTH was assessed in rats pretreated with 10 or 100 micrograms/kg [ Nle8 , Nle18 , Tyr34 ]bPTH (3-34) followed by 10 micrograms/kg of bPTH (1-34), or with 10 micrograms/kg hPTH (53-84) followed by 10 micrograms/kg hPTH (1-34). Bovine PTH (1-34), hPTH (1-34), and [ Nle8 , Nle18 , Tyr34 ]bPTH (1-34) produced virtually identical log dose-dependent hypotension, with 100 micrograms/kg of each analogue producing a 56% reduction in mean arterial pressure. Neither hPTH (53-84) nor [ Nle8 , Nle18 , Tyr34 ]bPTH (3-34) demonstrated any effect on mean arterial pressure at doses up to 500 micrograms/kg. Pretreatment with the inactive analogues failed to antagonize the vasodilating response to either bPTH (1-34) or hPTH (1-34). The vasoactive analogues significantly increased urinary phosphorus excretion while the inactive analogues did not modify it. hPTH (1-34) produced a modest decrease in serum Ca2+ at 1 min after injection. The results document that the vasodilating effect of PTH is a specific action of the peptide. Deletion of the first two amino acid residues abolishes both the phosphaturic and hypotensive effects of the peptide. Acute changes in serum Ca2+ do not appear to be a prerequisite for the vasodilatory response. Inactive analogues of PTH do not antagonize the vascular actions of the peptide.


American Physiological Society









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