1. 1 National Institute of Cardiology - State Research Institute , Warsaw , Poland
2. 2 Department of Heart Failure and Transplantation , National Institute of Cardiology – State Research Institute , Warsaw , Poland
3. 3 Department of Rehabilitation, Medical Centre of Postgraduate Education , Gruca Orthopaedic and Trauma Teaching Hospital , Otwock , Poland
4. 4 Department-Center for Monitoring and Analyses of Population Health Status , National Institute of Public Health – National, Institute of Hygiene , Warsaw , Poland
5. 5 Laboratory of Virology , Department of Immunology of Infectious, Hirszfeld Institute of Immunology and Experimental Therapy , Wroclaw , Poland
6. 6 Department of Microbiology National Reference Laboratory for Mycobacteria , Institute of Tuberculosis and Lung Diseases , Warsaw , Poland