1. University of Science and Technology , Department of Agricultural Biotechnology Bernardyńska 6, 85-029 Bydgoszcz , Poland , phone: + 48 52 374 95 21
Introduction: The leaves of Lippia dulcis contain high amounts of hernandulcin. It is one thousand fold sweeter than sucrose, however, it hardly contains any calories.
Objective: The aim of this research was to optimalisation of micropropagation and acclimatization of L dulcis
Methods: The nodal explants were inoculated on phytohormone-free MS medium. After 6 weeks the explants were inoculated onto the MS medium with different plant growth regulators. Well-developed rooted plantlets were adapted to ex vitro conditions using hydrogel.
Results: On the medium with BAP and NAA the highest number of shoots were produced. The higest average shoot length, number of the leaves and the leaf area were recorded on the medium with GA3. Adding IBA increased the number of roots. The addition of hydrogel enhanced the acclimatization efficiency.
Conclusions: There was observed a positive, stimulating influence of growth regulators on mass propagation and increase in the number of leaves and the leaf area and influence of hydrogel on the development of plantlets during acclimatization.
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