1. 1 Melbourne , Australia
Three cases of intracoronal radiolucencies in unerupted teeth are reported. The aetiology and treatment of this condition which may first be detected by the orthodontist are discussed. In extreme cases, involved teeth may be lost.
Reference10 articles.
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2. BROOKS,J. K. (1988) Detection of intracoronal resorption in an unerupted developing premolar: report of a case J. Am. Dent. Assoc. 116: 857-859
3. DeSCHEPPER,E.J., HAYES,J.I. and SABATES,C.R. (1988) Preeruptive radiolucencies of permanent teeth: report of a case and literature review Quintessence Int. 19:157-160
4. GIUNTA,J.L. and KAPLAN,M.A. (1981) “Caries-like” dentin radiolucency of unerupted permanent tooth from developmental defects J.Pedod. 5:249-255
5. IGNELZI,M.A., FIELDS,H.W., WHITE,R.P., BERGENHOLTZ,G. and BOOTH,F.A. (1990) Intracoronal radiolucencies within unerupted teeth Oral Surg. Oral Med. Oral Pathol. 70:214-220