Research on Exhibition Marketing Strategies in the Context of Network Era


Qian Ruo1


1. School of Culture and Tourism, Yiwu Industrial & Commercial College , Yiwu , Zhejiang , , China .


Abstract In the network era, consumers’ behavior of shopping through the Internet can be seen everywhere in daily life. In this paper, starting from consumers’ online shopping behavior preference, the equilibrium mode of conventional advertising is studied, based on which the mass and targeted advertising strategies under decentralized and centralized decision-making modes are proposed, respectively. After comparing and studying the marketing channel structure in various modes, the corresponding advertising optimization model was established to derive four theorems. According to the deduced theorems, the enterprise revenue model is constructed and solved to maximize the benefits. Compare the mixed and separated equilibrium models of the two-stage model in the sales process, and at the same time, construct the XGBoost algorithm model to classify the characteristics of consumers’ shopping behaviors and collect the enterprise’s product marketing strategies. The results of the empirical experiments show that the reasons why consumers do not buy the exhibits of Company W are mainly due to “the price is too high”, “the sense of participation is insufficient” and “the attraction is too low”, with the values of 2.5, 2.5, 2.5, 2.5 and 2.5 respectively. The number of consumers who are satisfied and very satisfied with W brand exhibitions is the largest, and the number of people in all four aspects is around 50, so the marketing strategy of W company exhibitions adjusted according to consumer behavioral preferences is effective.


Walter de Gruyter GmbH







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