How Do Differences of Dental Implants’ Internal Connection Systems Affect Stress Distribution? A 3-Dimensional Finite Element Analysis


Zincir Özge Özdal1,Karapinar Gökay2,Ünür Meral3,Katiboğlu Ahmet Bülent1


1. Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Faculty of Dentistry , Beykent University , Istanbul , Turkey

2. Private Practice, Istanbul , Turkey

3. Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Faculty of Dentistry , Istanbul University , Istanbul , Turkey


Summary Background/Aim: A factor affecting the success rate of dental implants, which has been used successfully for many years, is the implant-abutment connection system. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the stress distribution of different implant-abutment connection systems under different forces. Material and Methods: This in vitro study included a finite element analysis. In the study, the cylindrical and screwed dental implants available in 3 different diameters from 4 different companies were categorized into 12 different models. Two different scenarios of force application were conducted on each model in this study. In the first scenario, 100 N force and 100 N moment were applied in a vertical direction onto a point considered as the center of each tooth. In the second scenario, a 100 N force and moment were applied at a 45° angle in an oblique direction. Results: As a result of the forces applied to dental implants of different diameters from different companies, octagon implant-abutment connection systems had less stress accumulation than hexagon implant-abutment connection systems. In addition, when stress accumulation ratios were evaluated according to the diameter of the implants used, it was observed that 3 mm diameter implants accumulated more stress in bone than 4 mm diameter implants; there was no significant difference between 4 mm diameter implants and 5 mm diameter implants. Conclusions: Implant-abutment connection system is important for the longevity of implants under the forces. Therefore, this factor should be considered during implant selection.


Walter de Gruyter GmbH

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