Education, Competences - Labor Market Analysis Against the Challenges of Industry 4.0 Economy


Wiśniewska-Salek Anna11


1. Czestochowa University of Technology , Poland


Abstract Building a strong economy depends on numerous factors: technological, political, geographical but also and above all social ones. Currently, the ongoing fourth industrial revolution is primarily based on digitization of all processes in the conducted activities. The acquisition and processing of vast amount of data generates information which is very complex and not always unambiguous. Industry 4.0 also assumes that employees will understand both technical needs and those not related to the production process. This means that the present education system (definitely the one related to technical science) should also be changed so that engineers acquire more managerial skills. The article presents the educational assumptions in the face of challenges posed by Industry 4.0 in the context of the current opportunities of the labor market and education in Poland and in Europe.


Walter de Gruyter GmbH

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