Age of sediments on Danube terraces of the Pest Plain (Hungary) based on optically stimulated luminescence dating of quartz and feldspar


Thamó-Bozsó Edit1,Csillag Gábor23,Füri Judit1,Nagy Attila4,Magyari Árpád5


1. Mining and Geological Survey of Hungary , Stefánia út 14, 1143 Budapest , Hungary

2. Hungarian Academy of Sciences (MTA), Research Centre for Astronomy and Earth Sciences, Institute for Geological and Geochemical Research , Budaörsi út 45, 1112 Budapest , Hungary

3. Hungarian Academy of Sciences (MTA) − Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE) Geological, Geophysical and Space Science Research Group , Pázmány Péter sétány 1/c, 1117 Budapest , Hungary

4. Anteusz Bt. , Harminckettesek tere 6, 1086 Budapest , Hungary

5. MOL Nyrt. , Október huszonharmadika u. 18, 1117 Budapest , Hungary


Abstract The numerical ages available for the sediments on the Danube terraces in the Pest Plain are scarce. In this study, we present quartz OSL and K feldspar post-IR IRSL290 ages for the sandy fluvial, aeolian and slope sediments collected from Danube terraces IIb, III and V. The feldspar post-IR IRSL290 ages without residual dose subtraction are older than the quartz OSL ages, except for one sample, but the two sets of ages are overlapping within one or two sigma errors. In the bleaching experiment under natural sunlight during summer, an unbleachable component ranging from 2.5±0.7 Gy to 5.2±0.3 Gy after 30 h exposure to bright sunshine is observed and it corresponds to 3−8% of the measured K feldspar post-IR IRSL290 equivalent doses. These facts indicate that residual dose subtraction would be necessary before age calculation, in most cases. The saturated fluvial gravelly sand of terrace V of the Danube is older than ~ 296 ka based on feldspar post-IR IRSL290 measurements. This age does not contradict the traditional terrace chronology and the earlier published age data of this terrace. The other studied sediments on the surface of the terraces V, III and IIb deposited much later than the formation of these terraces. They infer aeolian activity and fluvial sedimentation of small streams during the MIS 3 and MIS 2 periods. The age of the dated dune sands with coeval aeolian sediments in Hungary indicate the cold and dry periods with strong wind activity of the Late Weichselian.


Walter de Gruyter GmbH


Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous)







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