How do Lithuanian EFL students learn vocabulary?


Daukšaitė-Kolpakovienė Aurelija1


1. Vytautas Magnus University , Lithuania


Abstract Vocabulary is an essential part of any language. The study discussed in this article intended to explore how Lithuanian EFL (English as a Foreign Language) students studying English at Vytautas Magnus University in Kaunas, Lithuania, learn English vocabulary. To achieve the set aim, the following research questions were raised to answer: 1) Which vocabulary learning strategies (VLS) do the students use the most while studying English as a foreign language? 2) Which VLS do the students use the least while studying English as a foreign language? The study was carried out in 2023 using 31 open and closed questions in an online questionnaire that the students were asked to voluntarily fill in. The questions were based on the earlier done literature review distinguishing cognitive, social, and metacognitive vocabulary learning strategies. The students were not familiarised with the terminology of the strategies, but it was hoped that the described strategies in the given questions would also serve as useful information that the students could use while learning vocabulary in the future (if they had never used them before). As the study was both quantitative and qualitative, the latter data was processed using thematic grouping, content and descriptive analysis. The findings reveal interesting vocabulary learning preferences. Some of the VLS are used incidentally and occasionally (e.g., paraphrasing and placing words in sentences) while some others intentionally and frequently (e.g., guessing from the context or oral and written repetition).


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