1. Department of Social, Political and Cognitive Sciences , University of Siena , Via Roma 56, 53100 Siena , Italy .
2. Department of Engineering and Architecture , University of Trieste . Via Valerio, 10 - 34127 Trieste ( Italy ).
3. Department of Life Sciences, Psychology Unit ‘Gaetano Kanizsa’ , University of Trieste . Via Valerio, Building RA, 34100 Trieste ( Italy ).
4. Department of Life Sciences, Psychology Unit ‘Gaetano Kanizsa’ , University of Trieste. Via Valerio , Building RA, 34100 Trieste ( Italy ).
5. Department of Life Sciences , University of Trieste , Via Weiss 21 – Building W – 34100 Trieste (TS) , Italy .