Fuzzy Networks for Modeling Shared Semantic Knowledge


Badie Farshad1,Augusto Luis M.2


1. Berlin School of Business and Innovation , Berlin , Germany

2. Independent Scientist , Madrid , Spain


Abstract Shared conceptualization, in the sense we take it here, is as recent a notion as the Semantic Web, but its relevance for a large variety of fields requires efficient methods of extraction and representation for both quantitative and qualitative data. This notion is particularly relevant for the investigation into, and construction of, semantic structures such as knowledge bases and taxonomies, but given the required large, often inaccurate, corpora available for search we can get only approximations. We see fuzzy description logic as an adequate medium for the representation of human semantic knowledge and propose a means to couple it with fuzzy semantic networks via the propositional Łukasiewicz fuzzy logic such that these suffice for decidability for queries over a semantic-knowledge base such as “to what degree of sharedness does it entail the instantiation C(a) for some concept C” or “what are the roles R that connect the individuals a and b to degree of sharedness ε.”


Walter de Gruyter GmbH


Process Chemistry and Technology,Economic Geology,Fuel Technology

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