Preparation of Patients for Elective Percutaneous Coronary Intervention: Management of Risk Factors as an Approach to Increase in Intervention Efficacy


Kochergina A.12,Leonova V.1,Kochergin N.2,Barbarash O.12


1. Kemerovo State Medical University , Kemerovo , Russia

2. Federal State Budgetary Scientific Research Institute for Complex Issues of Cardiovascular Diseases , Kemerovo , Russia


Abstract The article is a topical literature review of the place of percutaneous coronary interventions in the structure of elective revascularisation procedures, preoperative preparation of patients with stable ischaemic heart disease before percutaneous coronary intervention, the prospects of the technique, taking into account the latest advances in intervention cardiology (intravascular methods for assessing the hemodynamic significance of stenosis, drug eluting stents). Modern data of the early and long-term results of percutaneous coronary intervention are presented, the predictable potentially modifiable risks of adverse events are described, and ways to correct them are discussed. The results of randomised studies comparing the effectiveness of different approaches for managing patients with stable coronary heart disease (medical therapy, percutaneous coronary intervention) are presented, and prospects for using new drugs to improve the early and late outcomes of endovascular revascularisation are discussed.


Krasnoyarsk State Medical University

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