1. 1. Osterbrock, Donald E., John R. Gustafson, and W. J. Shiloh Unruh, Eye on the Sky, Lick Observatory's First Century (Berkeley, CA: University of California Press, 1988): 53.
2. 2. Krisciunas, Kevin, Astronomical Centers of the World (Cambridge; Cambridge University Press, 1988): 142.
3. 3. Bracher, Katherine, 'A Centennial History of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific', Mercury, The Journal of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific XVIII, no. 5 (September/October 1989): 7-8.
4. 4. Crowe, Michael J., Modern Theories of the Universe, From Herschel to Hubble (New York: Dover Publications,1994): 179-83.
5. 5. Barnard, Edward Emerson, 'The Development of Photography in Astronomy', Science, New Series 8, no. 194 (1898): 345.