Determination of Parameters of Electronic Devices by the Method of Passive Radio-Sensor Technical Diagnostics


Boikov K. A.1ORCID


1. MIREA – Russian Technological University


Introduction. Technical diagnostics (TD) as a nascent discipline is rapidly developing in the field of both software and hardware. Modern TD methods, such as vibrometry, thermal control, JTAG testing and optical control, either exhibit high inertia, consume processor time, require suspension of the electronic device, or demand a galvanic contact with the study object, which is often unacceptable. These disadvantages can be eliminated by passive radio-sensor TD. To date, little information has been published on the parameters of electronic devices provided by this method.Aim. Determination of the parameters of electronic devices, the assessment of which can be provided by passive radio-sensor TD.Materials and methods. Signal radio profiles were obtained experimentally using metrological equipment and software-numerical methods for modeling radio wave processes. The parameters of the signal radio profile were calculated by a mathematical method for solving differential equations.Results. The main principles and results of radio-sensor TD, as well as the simplest toolkit, are shown. An equation is obtained for the signal radio profile emitted by the electronic unit of the device, as well as an expression for its free components. An approach for assessing the TD correctness based on the number of free components of the received signal radio profile and the reference is described. The possibility of obtaining information about temperature, voltage drop, speed of emitting nodes, as well as the state of its components and modes of operation of pnjunctions is demonstrated. It is shown that this information is carried by the parameters of the basic equation for the signal radio profile.Conclusion. The derived basic equation allows a non-contact, remote passive radio-sensor TD to be conducted by correlation analysis of the received signal, providing a detailed examination of malfunctions in each electronic unit. The described TD method based on the presented parameters is promising for assessing the technical state of electronic devices.


St. Petersburg Electrotechnical University LETI

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