Physical Modeling of Ice Cover Deformation Under the Action of a Moving Load at Low Speed


Zuev V. A.1,Gramuzov E. M.1,Kurkin A. A.1,Dvoichenko Y. A.1,Sebin A. S.1


1. Nizhny Novgorod State Technical University n. a. R.E. Alekseev


The current paper considers the possibility of physical modeling of ice cover deformation under the action of a moving load at low speed. Using an equation for elastic plate oscillations on the foundation of a hydraulic type, it is shown that similarity of a stress and strain state (SSS) of model ice can be achieved but within the scope of the approaches based on a classical theory of Nogid-Shimansky modeling of ice cover. Taking into account certain complications connected with practical implementation of the above method, the applicability of a reduced-thickness ice model developed at NNSTU is investigated. This model uses the ice thickness that intentionally does not comply with the similarity requirements, all other requirements being satisfied, thus providing incomplete similarity of the model. Some disagreements with a Nogid-Shimansky model connected with that are revealed and their influence on the end result is evaluated. The applicability of a thin ice model is investigated in natural cooled model tanks of classical shape used for modeling of load movement at low speed. The results of the experimental investigation of ice cover deformation under the action of a moving load using a model for the natural thin ice are given. The modification of a wave shape and maximum ice deflection depending on change of a movement speed and loading are investigated. The connection of decrease of a ratio of the deflection basin profile area to the outward ice bending profile in front of a moving load with increase of speed at the start of the movement is demonstrated, which can be an evidence of a sharp growth of energy expenses for ice cover deformation when the interaction between the technical facility and ice cannot be considered as quasistatic. An exact evaluation of such expenditures is crucial when designing the ice-breaking facilities clearing a path through floe ice.


Saint-Petersburg Research Center of the Russian Academy of Science


Geophysics,Condensed Matter Physics,Water Science and Technology,Oceanography

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