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2. Akimov, V.A., Small terrestrial mammals, in Letopis’ prirody zapovednika “Visherskii”. Kn. 14. 2006/2007 gg. (Nature Chronicle of the Vishersky Reserve. Book 14, 2006/2007), Krasnovishersk, 2008, pp. 166–167.
3. Akimov, V.A., Small mammals, in Letopis’ prirody zapovednika “Visherskii”. Kn. 15. 2007/2008 gg. (Nature Chronicle of the Vishersky Reserve. Book 15, 2007/2008), Krasnovishersk, 2009, pp. 63–68.
4. Akimov, V.A., Small mammals, in Letopis’ prirody zapovednika “Visherskii”. Kn. 16. 2008/2009 gg. (Nature Chronicle of the Vishersky Reserve. Book 16, 2008/2009), Krasnovishersk, 2010, pp. 148–153.
5. Akimov, V.A., Small terrestrial mammals, in Letopis’ prirody zapovednika “Visherskii”. Kn. 17. 2009/2010 gg. (Nature Chronicle of the Vishersky Reserve. Book 17, 2009/2010), Krasnovishersk, 2011, pp. 195–203.