1. K. B. Povarova, N. K. Kazanskaya, A. A. Drozdov, and A. E. Morozov, “Rare-Earth Metals (REMs) in Nickel Aluminide-Based Alloys: I. Physicochemical Laws of Interaction in the Ni-Al-REM and NixAly-REM-AE (Alloying Element) Systems,” Izv. Ross. Akad. Nauk, Ser. Met., No. 1, 58–64 (2008) [Russian Metallurgy (Metally), No. 1, 46–51 (2008)].
2. K. B. Povarova, A. A. Drozdov, N. K. Kazanskaya, A. E. Morozov, Yu. R. Kolobov, T. N. Vershinina, and E. V. Kozlov, “Rare-Earth Metals (REMs) in Nickel Aluminide-Based Alloys: II. Effect of a REM on the Phase Composition of a Multicomponent Ni3Al-Based Alloy,” Izv. Ross. Akad. Nauk, Ser. Met., No. 5, 48–56 (2008) [Russian Metallurgy (Metally), No. 1, 398–405 (2008)].
3. O. A. Bazyleva, K. B. Povarova, N. K. Kazanskaya, and A. A. Drozdov, “Rare-Earth Metals in Nickel Aluminide-Based Alloys: III. Structure and Properties of Multicomponent Ni3Al-Based Alloys,” Izv. Ross. Akad. Nauk, Ser. Met., No. 2, 69–76 (2009) [Russian Metallurgy (Metally), No. 2, 154–159 (2009)].
4. O. A. Bazyleva, K. B. Povarova, N. K. Kazanskaya, and A. A. Drozdov, “Cast Ni3Al-Based Alloys and the Method of Their Melting,” Zagotov. Proizvod. v Mashinostroenii, No. 1, 29–35 (2010).
5. K. B. Povarova, V. P. Buntushkin, N. K. Kazanskaya, A. A. Drozdov, and O. A. Bazyleva, “Superlight High-Temperature Nanostructured Ni3Al-Based Alloys Intended for Aviation Engine Building and Energy Machine-Building,” Voprosy Materialoved., No. 2, 85–93 (2008).