1. C. Higman, “State of the gasification industry. The update worldwide gasification database,” in Proceedings of Gasification Technologies Conference, Colorado Springs, October 16, 2013, Report No. 22.
2. Cv. Marchino, “Edwardsport IGCC station,” in Proceedings of Gasification Technologies Conference, Colorado Springs, October 16, 2013, Report No. 6.
3. T. Pinkston, “Kamper Country IGCC Project update,” in Proceedings of Gasification Technologies Conference, Colorado Springs, October 16, 2013, Report No. 9.
4. F. Mohmand, “TRIGTM technology and project updates,” in Proceedings of Gasification Technologies Conference, Colorado Springs, October 16, 2013, Report No. 3.
5. Ph. Amick, “E-gasTM technology 2013 outlook,” in Proceedings of Gasification Technologies Conference, Colorado Springs, October 16, 2013, Report No. 1.