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2. Yu. I. Bogdanov, Fundamental Problem of Statistical Data Analysis: Root Approach (Moscow Inst. Electron. Technol., Moscow, 2002) [in Russian]. Engl. transl.: “Statistical inverse problem,” arXiv: physics/0211109 [physics.data-an].
3. Yu. I. Bogdanov, “Fundamental notions of classical and quantum statistics: A root approach,” Opt. Spectrosc. 96 (5), 668–678 (2004) [transl. from Opt. Spektrosk. 96 (5), 735–746 (2004)].
4. Yu. I. Bogdanov, “Maximum likelihood method and root estimate of distribution density,” Zavodskaya Laboratoriya. Diagnostika Materialov 70 (3), 51–60 (2004).
5. Yu. I. Bogdanov, “Quantum mechanical view of mathematical statistics,” in New Topics in Quantum Physics Research (Nova Sci. Publ., New York, 2006), pp. 1–36; arXiv: quant-ph/0303013.