1. V. D. Aleksandrova, Arctic Tundra of the USSR (Leningrad, 1964), pp. 1–40.
2. V. D. Vasil’evskaya, Pedogenesis in Tundra of Central Siberia (Nauka, Moscow, 1980) [in Russian].
3. B. N. Gorodkov, “Specific features of soil cover in the Arctic,” Izv. Gl. Geofiz. Obs., No. 19, 1516–1531 (1939).
4. B. N. Gorodkov, “Soil-plant complexes of tundra and polar-desert landscapes,” in Proceedings of Second Geographical Congress (Geografgiz, Moscow, 1949), Vol. 3, pp. 84–92.
5. S. V. Goryachkin, Soil Cover of the North (GEOS, Moscow, 2010) [in Russian].