1. Grossenbacher, K.A. and Knight, C.A., in The Origin of Prebiotic Systems, Fox, S.W., Ed., New York: Academic, 1965. Translated under the title Proiskhozhdenie predbiologicheskikh sistem, Moscow: Mir, 1966.
2. Isidorov, V.A., Organicheskaya khimiya atmosfery (Atmosphere Organic Chemistry), St. Petersburg: Khimizdat, 2001.
3. Shaviv, A. and Bar-Nun, A., in The Origin of Life and Evolutionary Biochemistry, Dose, K., Fox, S.W., Deborin, G., and Pavlovskaya, T.E., Eds., New York: Plenum, 1974. Translated under the title Proiskhozhdenie zhizni i evolyutsionnaya biokhimiya, Moscow: Nauka, 1975.
4. Markhinin, E.K., Vulkany i zhizn’ (problemy biovulkanologii) (Volcanoes and Life (Problems of Biovolcanology)), Moscow: Mysl’, 1980.
5. Brown, R.S., Pyrolitic Methods in Organic Chemistry, New York: Pergamon, 1979.