1. Chemistry and Technology of Rare and Disseminated Elements, Ed. by K. A. Bol’shakov (Vysshaya Shkola, Moscow, 1978), Pt. 3 [in Russian].
2. Z. I. Nikolotova and N. A. Kartashova, Extraction by Neutral Organic Compounds. The Extraction Handbook (Energoatomizdat, Moscow, 1976), Vol. 1 [in Russian].
3. E. A. Mezhov, Extraction by Amines, Amine Salts, and Ammonium Bases. The Extraction Handbook (Atomizdat, Moscow, 1977), Vol. 2 [in Russian].
4. T. D. Batueva, Extended Abstract of Candidate’s Dissertation in Chemistry (Perm, 2007).
5. L. V. Borisova and A. N. Ermakov, Analytical Chemistry of Rhenium (Nauka, Moscow, 1974) [in Russian].