New data on palaeogeographical changes during the Holocene in the Varna Lake region


Hristova Raina,Peev Preslav


The article presents the results of an integrated study of geological data based on three shallow cores from the Varna Lake area. The sedimentary sequences and the related archaeological artifacts were examined through lithological descriptions, a biostratigraphical analysis of the molluscan fauna, and an analysis of the geomorphological, archaeological and radiocarbon data. Continental, liman and marine facies conditions of sedimentation have been established by examining the sedimentary textures, stratigraphic and palaoecological value of the molluscan subfossil fauna. This complex interpretation of data through different analyses allowed the highlighting of important stages in the palaeogeographical development of the Lake of Varna and in the human adaptation to changes in the coastal landscape at the beginning of the Holocene.


Bulgarian Geological Society

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